Paul Carey

Paul Carey is Managing Director of MVV Environment Limited, part of MVV Umwelt GmbH of Germany, concentrating on Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power (EfW CHP) and other resource recovery solutions for the UK PFI and commercial waste markets. He also serves as a director on MVV’s three UK operating project companies, as well as its energy trading company.  

Paul’s experience spans large and small-scale fossil fuel and renewable energy generation, including energy from waste, with more than 30 years in the industry.  He is responsible for business development for MVV in the UK, and led the bidding, contract negotiations and successful planning consent application for the 265,000 tpa EfW CHP project for the South West Devon Waste Partnership Residual Waste Contract and the 200,000 tpa EfW CHP project for the Dundee and Angus Residual Waste Contract.  He is also involved in running the 190,000 tpa waste wood biomass project at Ridham Dock, Kent.  Most recently he led the negotiations to extend the life of the original Dundee energy from waste facility, and is currently overseeing the development of MVV’s Medworth project in Wisbech.  

Paul is a chartered civil engineer with an MBA.  


Adam Willetts


Jane Ford