Emma Hewitt

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Emma is the Skills Lead for Plymouth City Council which includes leading Building Plymouth, acting as the Construction sector’s representative for Resurgam (Plymouth’s Covid-19 Economic Recovery Programme), and is the lead officer for the HoSWLEP Construction and Built Environment Skills Steering Group. Emma also leads on Skills4Plymouth, a transformational and cross sectoral programme aiming to create the skills our local employers need today and in the future to fill the jobs, which includes a significant focus on the green economy. 

Established in 2015, Building Plymouth is an award winning, Council led partnership with the local construction and built environment community, driving skills and employment, and acting as a united voice for the industry. The Vision is to close the skills gaps and skills shortages by attracting and creating a skilled supply of people to match the demand for local construction and built environment employers www.buildingplymouth.co.uk


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