Luke Pollard MP


Luke Pollard was elected as the Labour and Co-operative Member of Parliament for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport in June 2017, and re-elected in 2019. Luke was born and lives in Plymouth and is the first MP to be born in Plymouth since Michael Foot represented the city in 1945.

After winning the seat from the Conservatives, he became a member of the Transport Select Committee.  Luke has served many roles on Labour’s Shadow Environment Team, as PPS to former Shadow Environment Secretary Sue Hayman, and as the Shadow Minister for Fishing, Water, Coastal Communities. He was promoted to Shadow Environment Secretary himself in January 2020.

Luke is an energetic fighter for Plymouth and the far south west to get its fair share of funding from Westminster, as well as fighting for fishing and farming across the country. Luke spoke over 200 times in the House of Commons in his first two years and runs a number of campaigns from transport to defence, environment to refugees.


Alistair Macpherson


James Robb