Jackie Young

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Originally from West Sussex and the South Downs, Environmental Scientist Jackie Young has spent a lifetime campaigning for environmental improvement; with a focus on sustainability, environmental management and climate change. A local government officer for 18 years, she was a Government Advisor for the creation of the UK’s first Sustainable Development Strategy in 2005 having led Plymouth’s Local Agenda 21 campaign on sustainability for 10 years.

From 2004 to 2013 she led the development of Plymouth’s first Climate Action Strategy and Action Plan with the help of the city’s Low Carbon Business Network. In 2010 this developed into Plymouth’s Low Carbon Management Plan. Trained by the Carbon Trust in carbon accounting, she also delivered successful training on carbon footprinting in support of the audits required for the 2008 Carbon Reduction Commitment. Now an independent Sustainability Consultant, she manages Environment Plymouth and leads Plymouth’s Plastic Free campaign. She is the environment lead for the Devon & Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and is currently revisiting the involvement of businesses in tackling emission reduction and adapting to climate impacts. She has a particular interest in behaviour change and the inspiration needed for positive action.


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